Blog - 12.06.08
I hate these dumb mails...Seriously I wish these idiots would kill themselves. You ever get these fucking stupid e-mails where these fucking stupid scam artists are trying to get you to send them money? Jesus, if anyone sends these pricks any money they deserve to die. I mean that in all seriousness. In the following e-mail, I got on Facebook I couldn't help myself. I sent this back. I'm the one in parenthesis and all caps.
Base on your profile(THERE WASN'T A PROFILE IT WAS JUST A SKELETON) i am happy to request for your assistance and also to go into business partnership with you, i believe that you will not betaryed (BETRAY*) my trust which i am going to lay on you.(LEARN BETTER GRAMMAR)
I am MISS JUSTINA MARK(NO NEED FOR A SPACE HERE) ,20years old and the only daughter of my late parents MR.and MRS MARK. My father was a highly reputable busnness(BUSINESS) magnet-(a cocoa merchant)(TWENTY-THREE TOP OFFICIALS FROM IVORY COAST'S COCOA SECTOR FACE CHARGES OF CORRUPTION, FORGERY AND EMBEZZLEMENT)who operated in the capital of Ivory coast during his days.(WHA'TS THE CAPITAL YOU DIP SHIT? THERE'S NOT A FUCKING CAPITAL) It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriously in France during one of his business trips abroad year 12th.Febuary 2003.Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an uncle of his who travelled(SPELL MUCH?) with him at that time. But God knows the truth! My mother died when I was just 4 years old, and since then my father took me so special.(TERRIBLE GRAMMAR AND IRRELEVANT BULLSHIT) Before his death on Febuary 12 2003(YOU COULD USE A COMMA) he called the secretary who accompanied him to the hospital and told him that he has the sum of Ten Million United State Dollars.(USD$10 000 000) left in a security company in a mettalic(SPELL MUCH?) trunk box, but the security company didn't know the content because it was registered as family valuables personal for security reasons.(YOU HAVE MADE MORE MISTAKES HERE THAN I CARE TO POINT OUT) I am just 20years old and a university undergraduate and really don't know what to do. This is because I have suffered a lot of set backs as a result of incessant political crisis here in Ivory coast. The death of my father actually brought sorrow to my life. Sir,I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance in this regards.Your suggestions and ideas will be highly regarded. Now permit me to ask these few questions:-
1. Can I completely trust you? (IF YOUR'E A 20 YEAR OLD GIRL, YOU CAN BLOW MY COCK)
2. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you? (YOU DIDN'T ASK FOR MONEY THE ENTIRE POST NOW YOU WANT A PERCENTAGE? HOW BOUT FUCK YOU AND LEARN TO STOCK MARKET YOU DUMB BITCH?)
Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible.(I'LL GET BACK TO YOU WHEN YOU SHOW ME YOUR TITS)
Thank you so much.
My sincere regards,
Blog - 12.06.08 (For Jessica and Sonja.
You have a party or a barbeque whenever Alabama plays Auburn in football.
You go to Gulf Shores every summer.
You call the Atlanta Braves baseball team "us" like they're actually from Alabama.
You would much rather visit Florida than California.
You don't "take", you "carry" or "tote"... as in "You want me to carry you down to the 7-11?"
A soft drink isn't soda, cola, or pop, it's Coke.
You call it a "buggy" and not a shopping cart.
You've said "fixin' to," "might could," or "usetacould" during the last week.
Someone you know has used a football schedule to plan their wedding date.
You can properly pronounce Arab, Eufaula, Opelika, Loachapoka, Bayou La Batre, and Oneonta.
You know exactly what chitlins and mountain oysters are, and you know someone who eats them anyway.
You think that people who complain about the humidity in other states are sissies.
You aren't surprised to find rental movies, groceries, ammunition and bait all in the same store.
You've missed a wedding or a funeral to go to a football game.
Asian food is always "CHINESE" regardless of the fact that it may actually be Korean or Japanese or Thai.
People actually grow, eat, and like okra.
Mamanem means the whole family. ("Are mamanem comin?")
You measure distance in minutes.
You've ever had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.
You know what "cow tipping" is.
The local papers cover national and international news on
one page but require 6 pages for sports.
You think that the first day of deer season is a national
You know all four seasons: Almost summer, summer, still
summer, and Christmas.
You know whether another Alabamian is from east, west, or middle Alabama as soon as they open their mouth.
Visiting Wal-Mart is a favorite pastime.
You can drive without your license because you know if a cop stops you he'll know you and let you go.
You know the difference between redneck, hillbilly, and southerner.
You think everybody from the north has an accent.
Y'all is a word.
There is no such thing as tea.. it's sweet tea.
If a single snowflake falls, the town is paralyzed for three days, and it's on all the channels as a news flash every 15 minutes for a week. All grocery stores will be sold out of milk, bread, bottled water, toilet paper, and beer. If there is a remote chance of snow, and if it does snow, people will be on the corner selling "I survived the blizzard" tee-shirts, not to mention the fact that all schools will close at the slightest possible chance of snow.
Your directions include "when you see the Waffle House" or "turn on the dirt road."
You say "sir" and "ma'am" if there's even a chance someone is even thiry seconds older than you.
The falling of one rain drop causes all drivers to immediately forget all traffic rules; so will daylight savings time, a girl applying eye shadow in the next car, or a flat tire three lanes over.
There is nothing but country on the radio.
A tornado warning siren is your signal to go out in the yard and look for a funnel.
Almost everyone you know is Baptist or Methodist.
A Mercedes Benz isn't a status symbol. A Chevy Silverado Extended Bed Crew Cab is.
You know everything goes better with Ranch dressing.
You learned how to shoot a gun before you learned how to multiply.
Krispy Kreme doughnuts are the only doughnuts that exist.
You know at least one Bubba, and maybe a few guys named Bo.
You don't assume the car with the blinker light on is actually going to turn anytime in the near future.
Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor.
You think a green light means the pace car has just left the track and It's time to go racing.
Once again, thank you Sarah for the link.
Blog - 12.03.08
So, I'm having a bittersweet day. It started off really nice. I got up early, got a new battery for my car, rode around. I made 50.00. I came home and since I was feeling rather awesome I cooked me an elaborate meal, ate in class while listening to Mozart, washed my dishes, cleaned the house, took a shower and put on my fuzzy pants and my nice silk shirt. I came here to check my Myspace and Email. That's when things started getting out of control. I sat down and I had an email from this website. The name was Karl. My heart immediately stopped abruptly just before it sped up. In the midst of my sudden cocaine heartbeat I read the comment. It was Karl, and he's out to kill Sean and myself. I'm scared to death. I think I may go under radar for awhile. I've loaded my guns and I'm going into hiding. I'll update from there.
Blog - 12.02.08
So my birthday grows even closer and it's not really something I'm looking forward to. I keep telling myself that I'm too young to feel so old. I feel like I've been through so much bullshit in my life. I'm not talking about petty heartaches and break ups, either. I mean real shit like almost dying and that kind of stupidity. I feel like I've wasted too much time doing the wrong things. I've been really shitty and moody and it's affected a lot of great friendships. I've lost a lot of friends, some I can justify and some I think I was just being a total dick. Life is hard when you have a lot of friends. Not all of my friends like each other. I can't invite them all to one big party because there would be awkwardness and fighting. It's really sad. It's sad to know that the only way to get all my friends in one place in a calm and collective mood is at my funeral. I hate that. I feel like I'm going to drain myself again this year worrying about how to incorporate all my different types of friends on my own birthday. It's hectic.
Blog - 12.01.08
This is a beautiful song. I wish you could hear the violin, the guitar. I wish you could feel the drunkenness and know exactly how I feel.
Drink away the rest of the day,
Wonder what my liver would say,
Drink, It's All you can.
Blackened days With their bigger gales,
Blow in your parlor to discust the day,
Listen it's all you can.
Ah but don't, don't sink the boat,
That you need, you built to keep afloat,
Ah no don't, don't sink the boat,
That you built...
Secret tired of luck to save,
Jump the river from the ball and chain,
Breath... it's all you can.
Rambling years of lousy luck,
ya miss the smell of burning turf,
Dream it's all you can.
Ah but don't, don't sink the boat,
That you Built, you built to keep afloat,
Ah no don't, don't sink the boat,
That you built... you built to keep afloat.
Singled out for who you are,
Takes all types to judge a man,
Feel its all you can.
Fill your sense with biggest ears,
Hide behind their their own worst fears,
Live it's all you can.
It's all you can
It's all you can... do.
No matter where i put my head,
I wake up feeling sound again,
Breath its all you can.
Tomorrow smells of a lester cade,
Reach the bowls but glooming frame,
Be thankful it's all we can.
Ah but don't, don't sink the boat,
That you Built, you built to keep afloat,
Ah no don't, don't sink the boat,
That you built... you built to keep afloat.
Ah but don't, don't sink the boat,
That you Built, you built to keep afloat,
Ah no don't, don't sink the boat,
That you built... we all built to keep afloat.
It's a ripe old age,
It's a ripe old age,
It's a ripe old age,
Thats what I am.
Blog - 12.01.08
It would appear to be snowing outside. I think we had a deal about what you'd do if I made it snow. It would seem as though I've made it snow, so now it's your turn. Should I go ahead and book the castle? Haha, -squeeeeze-.
Blog - 12.01.08 Blog - 12.01.08 Blog - 12.01.08 This page last updated on 12.03.08 | 06.01am
I absolutely hate They're terms of service are so vague and undefined they can pull any stupid bullshit they want to.
They deleted this image because they said it violated their terms:
Seriously? Where is the violation at? First of all, that's not nudity. It's partial nudity, which their terms say nothing about. Who's definition of nudity are we dealing with in the terms of service? Obviously an uptight protestant who hasn't lurked Myspace much. There's fourteen old girls on who have images of themselves in this same state of dress and I'm violating terms? Yeah. FUCK YOU PHOTOBUCKET.COM!
I think just to piss them off I'm going upload this image about 1000 times from 6 different accounts:
This is why i'm not using Myspace for this:
Sometimes your feelings and emotions aren't always raged pg-13. Take that censorship.
muddyNtrashed (8:16:28 PM): I think top friends is stupid
muddyNtrashed (8:16:39 PM): people get all butthurt over their position on there...
muddyNtrashed (8:17:10 PM): I never liked the way that, even if someone claims it doesn't matter to them where they are, if you put someone they don't like in front of them, it suddenly matters
muddyNtrashed (8:17:43 PM): whatever happened to actually having real friends you communicate with outside of the mask of technology?
"Sarah" (8:18:10 PM): right....
muddyNtrashed (8:18:23 PM): -eyes you-
"Sarah" (8:19:29 PM): impossible. i'm not a real friend that you communicate with outside the mask of technology/
muddyNtrashed (8:19:43 PM): I know you're not
"Sarah" (8:20:01 PM): so it's impossible to eye me.
muddyNtrashed (8:20:27 PM): well, it's possible you don't even exist
"Sarah" (8:20:37 PM): i know.
muddyNtrashed (8:20:50 PM): so if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
"Sarah" (8:20:58 PM): no.
muddyNtrashed (8:21:02 PM): why's that?
"Sarah" (8:21:45 PM): because.
muddyNtrashed (8:21:52 PM): explain
"Sarah" (8:22:05 PM): sound isn't sound unless someone is there to hear it.
"Sarah" (8:22:18 PM): thus explain, i don't exist.
muddyNtrashed (8:23:08 PM): being that we've established you live behind the shadow of technology, you could be anyone or anything at any time you feel.
muddyNtrashed (8:23:35 PM): the Sarah I know could just as easily be a black woman from delaware
muddyNtrashed (8:23:56 PM): or perhaps, maybe you're really ignorant, and you know nothing at all, but are vague enough to set forth the illusion of intelligence
muddyNtrashed (8:24:02 PM): or maybe you're a lesbian
muddyNtrashed (8:24:11 PM): maybe you're a coke head
muddyNtrashed (8:24:27 PM): maybe you're not who you say you are...and I would know none the better
muddyNtrashed (8:24:49 PM): therefore, "you" (as in Sarah as I know her), could easily not exist.
"Sarah" (8:26:04 PM): 1. i AM black on the inside. if you ever get in my car, you will hear that for yourself; however, not from delaware. 2. you think i'm smart?
"Sarah" (8:26:10 PM): lmao.
"Sarah" (8:26:25 PM): oh, and i'm not a coke head either.
muddyNtrashed (8:26:32 PM): how do I know?
muddyNtrashed (8:26:40 PM): I was just musing
muddyNtrashed (8:26:52 PM): the point was that you could be anyone you wanted to be, and I wouldn't know it.
muddyNtrashed (8:27:01 PM): therefore, you could easily not exist.
muddyNtrashed (8:27:25 PM): and by you, I mean the imaginary you that I've stringed together using bits and pieces of conversations with you
muddyNtrashed (8:27:30 PM): because I have nothing else to go by
I built a website today.
Please give me some idea which blog you're referring to here.